Kdg. – 8th Grade
When is the first day of school? Back to Top
Tuesday, September 6, 2011 at 8:45 am (kdg. only); 9:00 am (grades 1st-8th)
Parents are encouraged to escort their child to school and to their classroom during the first week of school, September 6-9, 2011 only.
Beginning September 12Th you may drop off your child using our Kiss & Go program located on Federal Street (8:30 am) or at the building’s main entrance located on Plymouth Court after 9:00 am. Students are considered tardy after 9:07 am.
What are the school’s address, phone, fax & website? Back to Top
Branch Building - Kindergarten & Preschool
Address: 1915 S. Federal Street Chicago, IL 60616
Phone: 773.534.9066
Fax: 773.534.9072
Main Building
1212 S. Plymouth Court
Phone: 773.534.8690
Fax: 773.534.8689
School School Website: https://southloopschool.net/
What are the CPS websites? Back to Top
General Information: http://www.cps.edu/Pages/home.aspx
Parent Portal for Student Grades: https://parent.cps.k12.il.us/pc/default.aspx?DistrictID=3000005
When is the Welcome Back Open House (Meet the Teachers)?
Thursday, September 8, 2011 5:30 - 6:00 pm - Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports Strategy (PBIS) Introduction to the School Way for new families.
We will review the School Way – Be Safe, Re Respectful, Be Responsible. We ask that all students & families abide by the School Way!
Thursday, September 15, 2011 6:15 – 6:45 pm & 6:45- 7:15 pm - Welcome Back Open House at the Main Building for 1st – 8th grade families - Meet your child’s teacher & visit the classroom.
Note: If you have more than one child in the school, please go to your youngest child’s open house first.
What is the 2011-2012 school calendar? Back to Top
School School is a regular track school
Go to this link to access the 2011-2012 CPS calendar: http://www.cps.edu/Calendar/Pages/Calendar.aspx
Please be aware there are numerous days off during the year (holiday and non-holiday related) so you can arrange for childcare accordingly. There are professional development days, staff development days, report card pickup/parent-teacher conference days, and teacher institute days.
What is the Extended Day Program? Back to Top
An after-school program providing enrichment in academics and the opportunity to participate in a diverse range of creative programs from 3:07 - 6:00pm each school day.
Kindergarten students enrolled in the Extended Day Program will be bussed to the Main Building for Extended Day programming and should be picked up by 6:00pm at the Main Building.
Please go to this link to obtain more detailed information and links to the applications: https://southloopschool.net/extending_the_day.php
The 2011-2012 school year application and programming information is now available on the school’s
Website: southloopschool.net/extending_the_day.php.
Contact Katie Svacier for more information:
What programs are available to students during the Extended Day Program?
There are many programs available to enrolled Extended Day students. Many programs are also available “a la carte” to students not enrolled in Extended Day. A sample of these programs is: Tae Kwon Do class, Lookinglass Theatre drama class, Hip Hop & Jazz Dance, Scouting – Girl Scouts, Brownies, Daisies, Boy Scouts, Irish Dance, Basketball, Music lessons, and many more!
Please see the Extended Day Program booklet, upcoming email blasts from School School & the school website for more information and fees.
What are the health requirements to attend a Chicago Public School? Back to Top
· Physical Exam - any student entering kindergarten, 6th grade, 9th grade, or entering a CPS school for the first time. Due October 14, 2011.
· Immunization Record - any student entering kindergarten, 6th grade, 9th grade, or entering a CPS school for the first time. Due October 14, 2011.
· Dental Exam – any student entering kindergarten, 2nd, and 6th grade. Due May 14, 2012.
· Vision Exam – any student entering kindergarten or entering a CPS school for the first time. Due October 14, 2011.
Please visit the following website for details and forms:
Waivers based on religious or medical reasons must be submitted in writing as described in the Board of Education policy. Please visit: http://policy.cps.k12.il.us/Default.aspx and reference - Policy 704.1.
What happens if I miss the deadline for Health requirement forms? Back to Top
Your child may not attend school until the requirements are met.
These days of missed school do not count as an excused absence.
What is the School School uniform policy? Back to Top
· Navy blue pants or capris. Navy blue shorts, skirts, or dresses to the knee. No stripes, polka dots or other markings (name brand logos). Jeans are NOT permitted.
· White shirts - with or without a collar. Tank tops are NOT permitted. Only the School School logo or motto will be permitted on shirts – no other logos or markings are permitted.
· Sweaters & sweatshirts in white or navy blue.
· Outerwear (coats & jackets), stockings/tights/socks, shoes and hair accessories are at your discretion.
· Shoes should be appropriate for school activities, including recess. Flip flops and sandals are not permitted.
· Gym shoes, sneakers and gym uniform are required for Gym days or the student will not be allowed to participate. Gym uniform order form is located on the school’s website or in the main office.
· School Uniforms are sold at stores or on-line such as Target, Sears, JC Penney’s, Children’s Place and Land’s End. Uniform items are also available thru our Resale Shop which will be open periodically throughout the school year.
- Land’s End offers a School Rewards Program – for each purchase Land’s End will contribute up to 3% of the net sales to School School. Our preferred school number is: 900121088
· School spirit wear - Return order form (located on the school’s website) and payment to school or fax to the PR Store (312) 225-8606
What is the School School gym uniform policy? Back to Top
Your student will be assigned a particular day of the week for gym class. On this day the required uniform is:
Top: School School Gym Shirt – available to order for $8.00 at both the Branch & Main Building
Bottom: Your choice of School School Gym shorts or sweatpants available to order for $8.00-$12.00
Shoes: Gym shoes are required on gym day in order to participate in the gym activities for the safety of your student and the maintenance of our facilities.
Are there exceptions to the School School uniform policy? Back to Top
There are several opportunities throughout the year, such as:
- Spirit Wear Fridays – On Friday your student may follow the regular uniform policy or wear a School Way t-shirt, previous year spirit wear shirt, or any other School School produced shirt. If you are new to School School order forms are available on the school’s website: southloopschool.net
- Picture Day – School pictures are taken in the fall and spring. Students do not have to wear their uniform on these days – they may dress up for their school pictures if they choose.
- Sports Days – Throughout the school year, School celebrates Chicago’s sports teams by allowing students to wear the colors or shirts/jerseys of our winning sports teams (Bears, Bulls, Blackhawks, White Sox, Cubs). These dates are announced via the email blasts. Purchase these items early in the school year.
Is there a School School fee? Back to Top
The school fee for KDG. – 8th grade is $75.00 per child. (three children per family limit).
This fee covers the cost of consumable instructional supplies, resource materials and/or classroom supplies. This fee is collected by classroom teachers during the first week of school. Payment can be made in the form of cash, credit card, money orders, or checks made payable to Friends & Family of School School.
What are the arrival and dismissal protocols? Back to Top
Branch Building
The school day begins for Kindergarten at the Branch Building at 8:45 am and ends at 2:30 pm.
Kindergarten students may arrive at 8:00am if they are enrolled in the Early Arrival Program. This program is limited to the first 25 students to apply. Applications are available at both buildings.
Kindergarten students may arrive at 8:20 am for the free Breakfast Program. School School offers a free breakfast program to all students. No application or enrollment is required.
Kindergarten students may arrive at 8:30 am for morning playground time where teacher supervision is provided, weather permitting.
![Please enter from Archer on Federal or from Clark on 19th Street.](images/flow_of_traffic.png) |
The driveway is for Kiss and Go only. In the interest of students’ safety and a consistent traffic flow, under no circumstances may parents and/or guardians exit the vehicle. Thanks for your cooperation!
Branch Pick Up Procedures
(FEDERAL STREET for Kindergarten): 2:30-2:45; (DRIVEWAY for Preschool): 2:30-6PM
Branch & Main Building: If driving and dropping off your student, please use the KISS & GO traffic pattern to drop off your child. There is a safety-patrol Kiss & Go staffed by parent volunteers to assist students getting out of their cars in the morning only.
Details and diagrams of these procedures are in the attached “Branch Traffic Flow Document.” Please remember to follow the School Way – Be Safe, Be Respectful & Be Responsible!
KINDERGARTEN: pick up on east side of Federal 2:30-2:45PM
KINDERGARTEN: pick up on east side of Federal 2:30-2:45PM
PRESCHOOL: pickup in driveway 2:30-6PM. Use North door, but pull car as far south as possible to allow multiple cars in the driveway.
Main Building
The school day begins for 1st – 8th grades at the Main Building at 9:00am and ends at 3:07pm.
Students may arrive at 8:00am if they are enrolled in Early Arrival Program. Applications are available in the Main Building.
Students may arrive at 8:30am for morning playground time where teacher supervision is provided, weather permitting.
The breakfast program is free to all 1st- 8th grade School students at 9:00 am in the classrooms. 9:07 am is considered tardy to school.
Main Building Traffic Flow Pattern is below: Please drop-off and pick-up curb side only.
What are the meal options? Back to Top
There are three options for lunch:
· Your child may bring a lunch from home. Please Note: School School is a gum, candy, and nut free school! Please do not send any of these items to school with your child. If your child brings a “Lunchable” to school, please open the package & remove the candy, gum or nut products before sending your child to school with the “Lunchable”.
· Lunch for K-8 is available every school day. A menu is sent home with the students each month or available on the school’s website. Current lunch price - $2.25 per meal per day. Reduced price lunch is $0.40 per meal per day. Students may purchase milk only for $0.35. Please send cash only (exact change) in an envelope (daily, weekly or monthly) labeled with your child’s name and room number directly to the lunchroom manager, Ms. Betty at the Main Building.
· School has partnered with Gourmet Gorilla a local Organic brown bag lunch and snack program available for Pre-K thru 8 grades. Each lunch costs $4.75 and includes a main course with one or two sides. Drinks and snacks are available for an additional cost. Visit www.gorillakids.com for information. This program can be utilized for the Extended Day Program snack ordering also.
Although we are a “nut free” school, there are some nut alternatives we can suggest in lieu of peanut butter or almond butter – common items in the kindergarten lunch list! Students may bring lunch items to include Sunflower Seed Spread (Sunbutter) or Soy Nut Butter since neither of these contains actual nuts. These items are available at stores such as Trader Joe’s & Whole Foods.
A “nut” is not just a peanut but also includes tree nuts such as almond, brazil, cashew, chestnut, hazelnut, macadamia nut, pecan, pine, pistachio or walnut. In consideration of all of our students, please refrain from all NUT products! We have students with severe nut allergies, please follow the South Loop Way and adhere to this school-wide policy.
What is the typical day for a Kdg.– 8th Grade student? Back to Top
Daily activities include reading, social studies, math, writing, and recess.
Students have gym class, library, music, art, and band (4th-8th only) every week.
Please note that the lunch period is 20 minutes, so please prepare your child accordingly. Specific details about your child’s academic programming will be given by each teacher at the September 15th Welcome Back Open House.
Will my child have recess? Back to Top
If the weather is over 40 degrees F and not raining, recess will be outdoors on the playground. If the weather is below 40 degrees F, raining or snowing then indoor recess will occur.
How do I contact my child’s teacher? Back to Top
The ideal way to access your teacher is via email so as not to disrupt the school day. Every teacher provides an email address for communication and may have additional communication methods available to families.
Please note that teachers will not be able to accept any phone calls during the school day. If you prefer to call, a message will be left for the teacher at the front office. Your phone call should be returned within 24 hours.
You may also arrange a conference with the teacher on Mondays, Wednesdays- Fridays from 8:30 -8:55 am. All conferences are by appointment, must be made at least 24 hours in advance, and may be requested at any time during the year.
Teachers may also request conferences with parents. Please be aware that the parent-teacher conferences at report card/progress report pick-up time are limited to 10 minutes and strictly adhered to. If you would like to have a longer discussion, contact the teacher to arrange a separate time.
What do I do when my child is absent from school? Back to Top
Send a note to the teacher the next day your child returns to school stating the reason for and the date of the absence. It is not necessary to call the main office to inform the school of your child's absence.
What are the venues of communication from the school? Back to Top
The school website: https://southloopschool.net/ - check this frequently as information is updated.
Email blasts: weekly email blasts titled “Week-at-a-Glance” and other emails with information/updates sent out by administration. To sign up to receive these emails, complete the form and return to the main office. If you have signed up for and are not receiving email blasts, please contact the Main Office.
Room Parent: Each classroom has a room parent(s) designated in the summer prior to the first day of the school year who will formulate a classroom email list in order for parents to communicate with each other. The room parent also assists the teacher in communicating with the parents as a group.
How are birthdays celebrated? Back to Top
In order to decrease emphasis on sweets and disruption to the school day, School School has instituted a “no treats” policy for birthdays. If you would like to send something to school with your child to commemorate their birthday, please donate your child’s favorite book to the classroom in lieu of food items.
How are holidays celebrated? Back to Top
School School will have academic or creative projects throughout the year associated with certain secular holidays. These curriculum-based projects will be selected for their emphasis on the educational, cultural and creative value of a holiday. Projects are coordinated by the teachers and/or room parents and implemented at the discretion of the individual teachers. In order to preserve the academic environment of the school and decrease the emphasis on treats, School School does not have holiday celebrations or parties for any holidays, including Halloween, April fool’s Day, St. Patrick Day, Valentine Day etc.
What are the volunteer opportunities at the school? Back to Top
School School welcomes parent and community volunteers throughout the school year. A parent led Volunteer Coordinators group exists to create and facilitate opportunities to maximize and fully utilize parent volunteer involvement in support of Elementary School. To participate in school activities CPS requires you to complete a CPS Volunteer Background Check form.
· CPS volunteer application: http://www.cps.edu/Pages/CommunityresourcesVolunteeropportunities.aspx
It takes several weeks for the approval process to be completed by CPS so please submit forms as soon as possible. We encourage you to submit your forms over the summer in order to be approved by the start of the school year.
· For more information please contact the Volunteer Coordinators at
At School School, there are several volunteer opportunities including but not limited to:
· Kiss & Go Safety Patrol
· Scholastic Book Fair
· Heritage Celebration events
· Family Fun Nights
· Field Trip Chaperones
· Clean & Green/Landscaping
· Fundraising Events
· And so much more...
Activities taking place in the classroom are coordinated directly by the individual teacher or room parents while most school wide activities are coordinated by parent lead committees.
What is the Local School Council (LSC)? Back to Top
The LSC – consists of the principal, 6 parents, 2 teachers, and 2 community members. The LSC promotes school development and the implementation of school improvement. Members are elected every 2 years. LSC meetings are held monthly with a schedule posted at the start of the school year. The meetings are open to the public and are an important venue for gaining information about the school. If you are unable to attend the LSC meetings, meeting minutes will be posted on the school website. The LSC has 3 committees that welcome parent involvement:
- Finance committee
- Communications committee
- Family Involvement Group (FIG) – parent group whose mission is to encourage family involvement at School School. FIG organizes the Family Fun nights and other social events during the school year.
To become involved in any committee, please contact the School School Volunteer Task Force at [email protected].
What is Friends & Family of School School Inc.? Back to Top
Friends & Family of School School, Inc. is a non-profit or not for profit fundraising group for School School. Friends & Family works in conjunction with the Finance Committee of the LSC and operates with a four person parent organized board in order to facilitate financial transactions between families/community and School School. Donations made to Friends & Family are tax deductible per IRS guidelines.
When are School Picture Days? Back to Top
Fall picture day is November 8, 2011 for kindergarten to seventh grade only. Picture retake day is November 29, 2011. Spring picture day for kindergarten to seventh grade only is on March 21, 2012. Students can wear their own preferred clothing on this day and school uniform is not required. Pictures taken in the fall picture session will appear in the yearbook and class photos. The purchase of picture packages and yearbooks is optional.
Eighth grade picture day is on January 20, 2012 and retake day is on February 10, 2012.
What is the protocol for my child if they have a medical condition or medical needs?
All parents must complete the Student Medical Information and Emergency Action Plan forms located on the school’s website. Notification and documentation must be given to the school nurse on the first day of school if your student has any drug or food allergies or any underlying health condition such as but not limited to: diabetes, asthma, sickle cell, heart condition, severe allergies or requires administration of medication during the school day. Please also inform your child’s classroom teacher in writing.
Is there a school nurse? Back to Top
A school nurse is assigned to School School two days per week, primarily to assist in medical form documentation and review students with ongoing medical conditions. The nurse’s schedule is determined by CPS and may or may not be available at all times. If your child is ill on a day that the nurse is not present, your child will be sent to the office and you will be contacted by an office staff member.
If your child has a fever above 100.4, you will need to make arrangements to immediately pick up your child from school.
What is the school supply list?
Grade level school supply lists are available now through registration or via the School School website. These may be updated by mid-August for specific requirements from your teacher.
What is the PBIS End of the YEAR Carnival?
The carnival is a reward for students who follow “the School Way” Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible all school year. Students who will not be permitted to attend the carnival had one or more of the following infractions: Suspensions: detention (5 or more); not wearing school uniform; discipline referrals; or, not following the School Way on a consistent basis. Primary teachers use the colored card system for improving behavior. Students having 10 or more warnings cards or red cards will not be permitted to attend the carnival.