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April 5, 2011
A message from the Principal
Parental involvement is key to your child's success in school.
Once again, we will be holding our report card pick up on Wednesday, April 6, 2011 from 12:00 - 3:00 pm and again from 3:45 - 6:00 pm. Report cards will not be distributed from 3:00 -3:45 pm. 

Conferences are in ten-minute increments. We ask that if your conference is taking longer than ten minutes, you schedule another time to discuss your child's performance with the teacher.

In addition to picking up your child's report card and meeting with teachers, we are asking if you would take a few minutes to take the My Voice, My School survey. This is an important way for you to share your voice about how you feel we are doing at School School and to provide some valuable feedback. We will  have tables available  for you to take the survey. Please allow extra time before or after your conference time. Later today, you should be able to find a link on to complete the survey online. We are hoping for 100% participation! 
To ensure the safety of our students during the school day we are asking you to please complete the Student Medical Information form. This form will inform us if your child have food allergies, asthma, diabetes, seizures or any other medical condition.
To have an idea on our 2011-2012 enrollment projection we are asking you to please complete the Returning to School School 2011-2012 form. 
Middle School parents, when you enter School, you will be able to pick up your son or daughter's grades from a table in the foyer. From there, we hope that you will visit your child's teachers to discuss his/her progress. Teachers are located in their classroom. 
Parents also please pick up your Parent Portal code from the classroom teacher to access your child's grades on regular basis.
Please see Mrs. Bettye, lunchroom manager  to pay any outstanding lunch balance.
All Ancillary staff will be available for conferences in the library on a first come first served basis.
We are weeks away from our Annual Spring Benefit! Purchase a ticket to this amazing event and register for babysitting. Grand drawing tickets will be available for purchase.
Cash and carry spirit wear will be available. The uniform resale shop will be available also.
This can be a very valuable experience. We hope you take the time to talk to your child's teachers. It's a great way to find out how your child is progressing and share how things are going from your perspective!
Your in Education,
Mrs. Shelton

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