2011-2012 Opening School Reminders
- Friday, September 2nd: Meet & Greet for new families and families of 1st grade gifted only. 2:00 - 2:30 pm
- Purchase mandatory school uniform. Solid white tops with sleeves, solid navy blue bottoms. Reminder: tank tops, jeans, sandals, flip flops, black attire, clothing with logos are not acceptable uniform attire.
- Order required gym uniform. Order optional School Way t-shirt, this shirt is worn on Fridays. Order forms are located on the school's website and in the main office. Credit card payments can be faxed to (773) 253-8424. Cash, check, and/or money order can be mailed or delivered to the main office. Make all payments payable to the PR Store. If you have any questions please contact Toni Hill at (312) 225-8600. All orders must be placed prior to August 2nd to ensure on time delivery for the start of the school year.
- Purchase "sports days" spirit wear to prepare for future Bears, Bulls, Blackhawks, White Sox and Cubs days (TBA).
- Complete and submit all medical forms. This applies to all new students entering kindergarten, 6th grade and new to CPS. Required forms are located on the school's website. Submit completed forms to the main office.
- All parents please complete the Emergency Action Plan and Student Medical Information form located on the school's website or in the main office. Submit the completed forms to the main office.
- Register for Tae Kwon Do (847) 677-8111, Chess Education (312) 451-9416 and Extended Day (registration forms are located on the school's website) and Aneta Art Class- Fashion Design and the Art of Jewelry Making (). Registration form is located in the main office.
- First full day of school is Tuesday, September 6, 2011. 8:30 am for Kindergarten and 9:00 am for 1st- 8th. Kindergarten dismissal is 2:30 pm, and 1st-8th dismissal is 3:07 pm.
- Pay mandatory $75.00 per student school fee (up to 3 students per family). Make payments payable to Friends and Family of School School in the form of cash, check, credit card or money order. Credit card forms are located in the main office. Payments can be made in the main office or on the first day of school to the classroom teacher.
- Check the website regularly for updates. Clicking on the highlighted event will give you a detailed account of the activity.