Registration for School School is in full swing for the 2011-2012 school year!
CPS funding for each school happens over the summer; the amount of money given for teachers/supplies is contingent upon how many students are registered at that time. These numbers are not adjusted again until the 20th day of school. Consequently, it's really important incoming students are registered and "in the books" as soon as possible so that we will have enough teachers and supplies for our students on the first day of school!
Here is some info:
Registration is in the Main Office ONLY () from 8AM-2PM daily.
Even if a family isn't 100% sure their child will be coming to SLES in the fall, perhaps you are on the waiting list for a RGC or Magnet slot, it is highly recommended you enroll so your place is reserved and accounted for. You can always unregister.