How Can I Get Involved at SLS?

How can I get involved at School School?

These volunteer opportunities are open to any family member of a student at School School.

Visit, use Signup Genius (specific links are below), or contact the chair(s) if you are interested in volunteering. Events without chairs? Email


Year long

Kiss N Go

Help with drop off by opening car doors to keep traffic moving.

Branch: 7:45 am to 8:10 am.

SignUp Genius:

Main: 8:00 am to 8:30 am.

SignUp Genius:

Café Crew

Open cartons, cut fruit, keep order, encourage student to eat healthiest foods first.

Branch: 11:10 am. to 12:55 pm (11:15 to 12:00 for kindergarten; 12:00 to 12:50 for 1st grade).

SignUp Genius:

Room Parents

Help with class communication; recruit volunteers for fieldtrips, class projects, school activities.

Chair: Rosebelle Lin ()

Looking for room parents for classrooms 207 and 216

Monthly Tours

Tour for prospective families: visit classrooms, give an overview of our school and the program and activities we offer.

Main building chair: Lynn Piper ()

Branch Building chairs: Matt Gould ( & Saadia Siddique ()

Branch: 3rd Thursday of every month at 9:00 am

Main: 3rd Wednesday of every month at 9:00 am

Annual Spring Benefit

Sell tickets, acquire sponsors/donations, write/send thank you notes, online auction, set up venue, help with check out, help cleanup/breakdown.

Chairs for event: Katerina Santorini ( & Anastacia Peterson ()

Chair(s) for auction: up for grabs!

This is a yearlong planning event.

Event takes place on Saturday, May 20, 2017 at 6pm

Lost and Found

Sort items, separate labeled items to return, bag other items for Pacific Garden Mission.

Main building only: end of each month.

ReSale Shop

Organize and sell gently used and new school uniforms. Set-up, sell, break down.

Chair(s): new chair(s) needed!

Shifts during back to school picnic (Sat., Sept. 10), report card pick up days (Wed. Nov. 9, Wed. April 19), and other events.

Dads Group
Meet with other dads quarterly to plan dad-led events for the school year.

Chairs: Jason Ziegler ( &

John Martin Eatinger )

Seeking Dads of younger students to join this group.

Grant writers

Research and write grants for landscaping, matching grants, sponsorships, etc. 

Chair: Carrie Dahquist ()

Year round


Coordinate student volunteers; get class photos, take group photos and candid photos.

Chair: Nicole (Garcia) Windham ()

Year round

Box Tops

Checking boxes periodically), coordinating drives, counting for submission

Chair(s): new chair(s) needed!

Year round, with two collection times with incentives for highest collector.

One-time events


Fall fundraiser to support classroom resources.

Sell tickets, help set up, issue wristbands.

Chair: Rishi Agrawal ()

September 15 to October 20: sell tickets at Branch 3:00 to 6:00 pm & Main 3:30 to 6:00 pm. SignUp Genius:

Event is on Thursday, October 20 at Reggie’s, 2105 South State Street

Fall Clean and Green

Help with landscaping activities, such as mulching, planting, raking, trimming.

Chairs: Wendy Owens ([email protected]),

Maureen Gaffney (,

& Aha Harris ()

Saturday, October 15 from 10am to 1:00 pm

Hoops, Games, Movies and More

Plan activities, set-up, order food/drinks, clean up

Chair: Jason Ziegler ()

October 21 to November 10: Sell tickets after school

Event is on Thursday, November 10 from 6:15pm to 8:30pm

Book Fairs

Set-up, restock, breakdown; work cash registers; help students pick out books.

Chair (Main): Cara Jacques ()

Chair (Branch): Sophia Gray (

Book Fairs (continued from previous page)


Main: Monday, November 28 through Friday, December 2 (Set up on Tuesday, Nov.22)

Branch: Monday, December 5 through Friday, December 9


Branch: Monday, April 24 through Friday, April 28

Main: Monday, May 8 through Friday, May 12 (Set-up on Friday, May 5)

Winter Music Performance

Set up for performances and supervise students waiting to perform

Chair: Dalia Hassaballa (Music SARP) (

Main Building only: December 14 at 6:15 pm

Winter Dance

Planning, set up, decorate, supervise students during dance, serve food.

K & 1st grade (80’s theme): Monday, December 19, times tbd

2nd & 3rd grades (Roaring 20’s theme): Monday, December 19 from 1:00 to 2:00 pm

4th & 5th grades (60’s theme): Tuesday, December 20 from 1:30 to 3:00pm

6th grade (70’s theme): Thursday, December 22 from 3:30 to 5:30 pm

7th & 8th grade: Friday, May 19 from 7:00pm to 9:30pm


Winter Fundraiser. Help with set up (decorate), communication, counting pledges

Chair: Katy Pizza ()

Tuesday, January 17 through Friday, January 27

Mom/Son Event

Plan activities, serve food, supervise, set-up, clean up.

Chair: Krishna Lynch ()

Friday, February 24from 6:15 pm to 8:30 pm

School Around the World

Help solicit performers, serve food, set up, clean up.

Chair: Jules Melhado ()

Friday, March 31 from 6:15 pm to 8:30 pm

Fitness Night

Solicit vendors to lead physical activities, serve healthy food, set-up, clean-up.

Chair: Rishi Agrawal ()

Tuesday, April 18 from 6:15pm to 8:30 pm

Daddy (Father Figure)/Daughter Dance (Dad’s Group)

Plan, set-up (decorate), order food, serve food, supervise students during the dance.

Chair(s): new chair(s) needed!

Event is Friday, April 28 from 6:15 to 8:30 pm

April 1 to April 28: sell tickets at Branch & Main after school

Spring Clean and Green

Help with landscaping activities; mulching, planting, raking, trimming. Solicit coffee, donuts, snacks.

Chair(s): new chair(s) needed!

Saturday April 29, 2017 from 10am to 12pm

Teacher Appreciation Week

Donate and setup food, drinks, utensils, and plates.

Monday, May 1through Friday, May 5 at Branch and Main from 10 to 11 am

Annual Sox Game – Fundraiser (Dad’s Group)

Chair: Jason Ziegler (

May 21 to June TBD: sell tickets at Branch 3:00pm to 6:00pm & Main 3:30pm to 6:00pm

Field Days and picnic

Help facilitate and supervise activities.

Chairs: Mr. Doyle (, Mr. Laino (, & Megan Uithoven (SARP for PE) ()

June, second to third weeks, during the day

End of the year Carnival

Help set-up, supervise table games, face paint, pop and serve popcorn, supervise students, break-down.

Chair: Mrs. Shelton ()

Tuesday, June 20 from 8:00am to 3:30pm

Main Building only