NO HATE Anti-Bullying Campaign

We would like to introduce you to our anti-bullying campaign called NO HATE.  School School's 8th grade class is organizing this campaign to raise awareness on bullying in middle school, as well as promote positive social emotional interactions with our peers. It has come to our attention that some 5th-7th grade students are experiencing social and behavioral issues that do not reflect the School Way. 
Through our campaign, we are committed to supporting our fellow peers through various actions that will hopefully lead students back to a positive environment. We are developing a Big Brother, Big Sister program. Through this outreach program, teachers will identify 5th-7th grade students who may need peer support.  The 8th grade NO HATE committee will match 5th, 6th and 7th grade students with an 8th grade mentor. 
We are also designating an anti-bullying day where members of our school can show support for our campaign. We are asking all students, teachers, staff, administrators, and even parents, to wear solid purple (with no visible writing or logos) shirts on Wednesdays for the rest of the school year to help support our NO HATE anti-bullying campaign. 
These are just the first two steps to launching our NO HATE campaign. It is our hope that we can inspire our younger students to have only positive social interactions with their peers.
Thank you for your support.
-8th Grade NO HATE Committee.