School School


June 13th - June 17th, 2011
Quarter 4 - Week 10


Monday, June 13th

8th Grade Graduation - 9:30am - 10:30am - UIC Forum 725 W. Roosevelt


Kindergarten Graduation/Transition Ceremony - Report to Main Bldg. Kinder drop off time is 12:30pm.  Ceremony begins at 1:00pm

**Do Not Bring Students to the Branch Bldg.**


Tuesday, June 14th

P.B.I.S. Carnival -- Main Bldg. - Reward carnival for all School 1st-7th graders who have modeled The School Way during the 2010-2011 school year.


Wednesday, June 15th

School is in Session 1st - 7th grades - Snow Make-up Day


Last Day of School for PreK Students


Thursday, June 16th



Friday, June 17th

Last Day of School ~ 9am - 10am - Main Building

Attendance for 1st -7th grade only ~ Students Report for 1 hour to pick up Report Cards






** Volunteer Task Force is recruiting room parents for the 2011-2012 school year.  If interested, Please email [email protected] by June 15th to apply. Please include your name, your student(s) name(s) and grade(s) for next year. You will be contacted by August 1st.









Registration for incoming Kindergarten - 8th grades is in the Main Office ONLY () beginning April 4th from 8AM-2PM daily. Even if a family isn't 100% sure their child will be coming to SLES in the fall, it is highly recommended you enroll as soon as possible so your place is reserved and accounted for. 


Documents needed to enroll:

1) Child's original birth certificate

2) Parent/guardian picture id (must show neighborhood address) 

3) Child's updated medical, eye and dental records 

4) 2 proofs of residency (electric, gas, landline phone bills only, lease agreement


School's Tuition-Based Preschool program is now full for the 2011-2012 school year.  However, we are still accepting applications for our waitlist.  The Tuition-Based Preschool program is a full-day literacy-based program in a nurturing atmosphere with whole group, small group, and individualized instruction. Please visit the School Branch or call 773-534-9066 for more information.

Register for School's Extended Day Summer Camp. Camp runs from June 20 - August 12, 2011 8:00 am to 6:00 pm daily. Applications are available on the school's website or in both main offices. 


8th Grade parents - please begin to make payments for eighth grade fees. We need to make deposits for the Luncheon, the ceremony space and other graduation items.


3rd, 6th, 8th grade parents - please read the promotion requirements located on the CPS website.



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