Take Charge of Education Program is a program where Target donates 1% of your purchases back to the school of your choice. All you (or grandparents, friends, etc. anywhere in the country) need to do is apply for a Target Credit or Debit card and assign School School to receive your funds. Monies raised from this program help SLS teachers buy supplies and upgrade the school's technology.
Here's how to do it:
Go to the Customer Service desk of your local Target, If you choose the debit program, don't forget to bring a blank/voided check, and once you get the card in the mail visit www.target.com/tcoe or call 1-800-316-6142 to designate SLES as your school. 1% of all purchases go back to School School and all Target Card users (both debit and credit) get 5% off purchases all year long. Every little bit helps your pocketbook and School School's funding